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elite athletes

We have a broad range of experience in elite sport including RFU Club England men’s & women’s Rugby 7's, RFU Club England Elite Coach Development, USA Rugby 7's. Premiership Rugby Union, Championships League football, Track and Field, Tennis, Wakeboarding and pro Golf.


We work with elite athletes and their coaches to help them achieve their best and thrive under pressure by re-coding neural networks to optimise their strategies, removing unconscious blocks to optimum performance, resolving performance anxiety and create unconscious automatic triggers for optimum performance.


We also teach practical mental skills to resolve performance anxiety, manage energy and focus, access and maintain optimum performance states and recover from setbacks or injury fast.


We work with team doctors and physios to accelerate recovery from psychological, physical and emotional injury. We can also work with the athlete's medical support staff to safely reduce or anaesthetise ongoing pain, and are often asked to provide support for and resolution of forced retirement due to injury and the associated issues.


As a result, we are often asked to help with:


  • Thriving in a high-pressure environment, creating confidence, building resilience and mental toughness.​


  • Accelerating and optimising learning, maximising potential and communicating effectively under pressure. 


  • Dealing with setbacks, expediting physical and mental recovery from injury, and, the resolving associated stress and anxiety, managing pain from injury or surgery, and, analgesia.


  • Managing energy. Identifying, preparing, accessing and maintaining specific, and, bespoke mental states on demand for optimum performance.


  • Preparing and managing the mind for training and competition for best results.


  • Being pro-active in self-development.


  • Resolving performance anxiety in competition and maintaining confidence and resilience.


  • Managing emotions, including anxiety, worry, stress and the issues this can cause including repetitive injury and/or stalled recovery.


  • Recovery from emotional, psychological and physical injuries. With physical injuries, often the body heals but the mind doesn't and this adversely affects performance and can be the difference between success and failure. We support athletes in recovering from injury and back into performance. We also support athletes whose careers have been unexpectedly cut short due to due to injury and the associated issues such as grief, anxiety, disappointment, and anger it causes.​

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